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- ExpiredFayetteville Dogwood Festival: Miss Fayetteville Dogwood Festival Pageant
Fayetteville Dogwood Festival is continuing the tradition with the 24th Annual Miss Fayetteville Dogwood Festival Pageant! We are welcoming contestants to participate. Our program is designed to be an excellent vehicle for advancing our contestants' personal development and lifelong goals. Join a history of wonderful and talented young women and ladies who have participated in our community tradition.
Join us on Saturday, September 17, 2022 as we crown the next Dogwood Festival royalty! Official location TBA.
Pre-Sale (before September 2, 2022): $15/ticket
Day Of (September 17, 2022): $20/ticket
*Children five years and younger do not need a ticket.
*Each contestant receives one FREE parent ticket.
We welcome all ages from five years old to twenty-six years old to join us!
For more information, please visit www.thedogwoodfestival.com/missfayettevilledogwoodfestival