Effective Meditation | Manifest what you really Want NOW! Create the life you wish to have and surrender your creation to the Infinite Intelligence. Allow space for relaxation and ease while the universe takes care of it for you. EXTREMELY POWERFUL CREATION TOOL. Manifest anything you want in life with this powerful guided mediation! Manifest your heart desires is my latest meditation (or shall i say my latest manifestation). It is a truly relaxing and powerful experience. Feel your energy, love, hearts desires and manifest instantly what you truly long for. This meditation is quick and effective for modern and busy people. Join Camy Kennedy Life Coach to learn how to become a master at manifestation! 12pm at Prima Elements $10 Per Class A guided meditation to help you get clear on what you wish to create and show you how to completely release your manifestation to the Source Of All That Is, so that it may be created in a way that is perfect for you. This is an extremely powerful exercise which can be repeated for every individual dream and desire. It is incredible to watch the synchronicities and events that transpire when this meditation is used.