Staying active during this time of social distancing is important for our mental and physical well-being! Sign up for the ASOMF Let Freedom Run Virtual 5K and be rewarded for your efforts, and support the ASOM Foundation! You can run, jog, or walk from any location- all you need is a smart phone to participate. You have from August 11-September 11 to finish your race. We will announce the three winners from each division on our Facebook page on Saturday, September 12th. Deadline to register is August 7, 2020.
Divisions Include:
Men- 18 and up
Women- 18 and up
Juniors- 12-17
A customized T-shirt and ASOM swag bag will be included with each registration!
Click here to register today:
Want to pass on this race but still want to help the ASOM? Click here to donate today: https://www.asomf.org/donate/
All proceeds fund Museum educational programs and innovative exhibit development