Resident Resources

Parking: Since the business district has limited on-street parking, resident parking will be monitored to allow business customers access to adequate parking near the downtown businesses. All vehicles (resident or customer) will adhere to the stated parking restrictions found in the City Code, Chapter 16, Motor Vehicles and Traffic. (Parking in designated parking spaces, not parking within 15 feet of a fire hydrant, not parking left to the curb or back to the curb no parking in posted reserved spaces, and not parking in designated handicap parking spaces without the proper handicap placard displayed.) All permits are issued by the Fayetteville Parking Service. They can be reached at 222-0302 or at
Trash Removal: Trashcans and dumpsters may be contracted through Onslow Container Service at 252-361-0888 or through Waste Management at 888-964-9730. Check with the Downtown Development office to see if there is an opportunity to share a dumpster with partners in the district. Minimizing the number of dumpsters improves the overall downtown experience for visitors, residents and guests. The decorative trashcans around the district are not meant for commercial uses so please do not use them for those purposes.
Recycling: Recycling is available at the Ann Street Landfill (off Irene Street). Recycling bins for this purpose can also be contracted with either Waste Management or Onslow Container Service.
Festivals and Special Events: Downtown Fayetteville is host to events such as the International Folk Festival, Dogwood Festival, Dickens Holiday, Fourth Fridays and Glory Days. These events bring large numbers of people downtown and due to the size of the crowds, it may be in the interest of safety for attendees to have streets closed to vehicular traffic.
Historic Districts and Local Landmarks: The Fayetteville Historic Resources Commission is responsible for enforcing historic preservation guidelines. City assistance is available in the Historic Resources Office at 910-433-1457. (See Design Guidelines for Fayetteville’s Historic Districts and Local Landmarks)
Panhandling: Panhandling is prohibited in the core downtown area although from time to time, this occurs. If you are approached, please do not give the person money and keep walking. If you feel threatened or if the person is acting in a suspicious manner, call 911 immediately.(Services for the Homeless Guide)
Finding Space: See the Downtown Development office for a list of available properties, both commercial and residential. The Downtown Development office also keeps a list of property owners/ agents, building information and area architecture firms.
Sidewalk Maintenance: Everyone should pick up and dispose of debris (cans, bottles, cigarettes, papers) from sidewalks and alleys abutting their property every day. The City of Fayetteville empties the visitor trash cans and provides cleaning for public sidewalks; however, your front section is your responsibility. Report excessive trash, burned out or broken street lights or dangerous areas to the Downtown Development office.
Noise: Downtown is lively, which is a good thing! Residents are asked to be considerate of noise impacts and adhere to City ordinances; however, expect during weekends and special events to possibly encounter crowds downtown.
Graffiti: Graffiti must first be reported to the City of Fayetteville Police Department and then removed. Contact the Downtown Development or Historic Resources offices for tips on graffiti removal.
Hurley Pots: The Hurley Pots are maintained by Fayetteville Beautiful. Donations are accepted to cover the cost of plants, topiaries and other needed materials. For more information, visit the Fayetteville Beautiful Web site at