The Cool Spring Downtown District and the City of Fayetteville created a social district in Downtown Fayetteville
A defined outdoor area in which a person may consume alcoholic beverages sold by an ABC permittee. This term does not include the ABC permittee’s licensed premises, or an extended area allowed under G.S. 18B-904(h).

What can you do in a
Social District?
- Purchase your alcohol beverages from one of the participating restaurants/breweries located within the Cool Sprint Downtown District.
- You will be given a specially designed cup that can be used only in the social district’s boundary lines (see our Social District map).
- Experience the Vibe of the Social District as you shop our downtown merchant community.
- Dispose of your designated social district cup into any of the trash cans located in Downtown Fayetteville.
SUNDAY 10:00AM-10:00PM
- DO NOT carry alcoholic beverage to another restaurant/brewery that serves alcohol.
- Drinks must be consumed in a designated Social District cup
- Patrons can only drink within the Social District during designated times
- While strolling through Downtown Fayetteville, check with businesses to make sure you can bring your beverage in the business.

While you are in enjoying your beverage in the Cool Spring Downtown District, view which businesses are participating in the Social District by looking for this sticker. Each sticker will displays which businesses you are allowed to purchase your alcoholic beverage, take your beverage into a business, or are not permitted to have alcoholic beverages.

- The Sip Room
- Dad Bod Dishes LLC
- Bruce’s Sportsblock and Lounge
- Winterbloom
- Pierro’s Italian Bistro
- Blue Moon Cafe
- Gaston Brewing Company
- Cameo Art House Theatre
- The Livery Cigar Emporium
- Archway Burgers, Dogs, and Beer
- Coffee Scene at the Prince Charles
- Hay Street Kitchen and Rooftop
Huske Hardware Restaurant
Taphouse at Huske
- Vibe Gastropub

- Ravens Nest Tattoo and Cranium Company
- Reverie Goods & Gifts
- American Barbershop
- Garnet Skull
- Hummingbird Candle Co
- The Sweet Palette
- City Center Gallery & Books
- Stevies
- Arts Council of Fayetteville/Cumberland County
- A Bit of Carolina
- Momma’s Village of Fayetteville
- Washington Apparel Company
- Malzone Marketing Inc
- Cursive
- Fayetteville Wellness Center
- Greater Fayetteville Chamber
- Turner Lane
- Fabulous Finds Boutique
- Bails for Tails Thrift and Donation Store
- Blanc Coffee Roasters

- Fascinate-U Children’s Museum
- Edward Museum
- Tyson Commercial Real Estate
- Ray, O’Connor, Coleman & Halverson, PLLC
- Elevo Dynamics
- U.S. Army Airborne & Specials Operations Museum
- The Capitol Encore Academy
- Rising Pheonix Counseling Services, PLLC
- Rude Awakening Coffee House
- Skyview on Hay
- Tone Pilates
- United Hay Street Methodist Church
- Circa 1800